בחזרה לגילוי מסמכים

עו''ד דניאל מחובר היהודון


Daniel Machover

Daniel Machover is head of the civil litigation department. He specialises inInternational human rights law, civil actions against the Home Office and police and in representing bereaved families at inquests into deaths in custody.

Daniel acts for the families of Shahid Aziz (killed by a white cell mate in Leeds prison) and Azelle Rodney (shot by armed police in north London). From 1998 to 2004 he convened the Wormwood Scrubs Lawyers Group, which brought 56 successful civil claims for prisoners alleging assault and systemic management failures in Wormwood Scrubs prison. Test cases include: the right of prisoners to vote; the frequency of review of lifers’ release dates (Hirst v. UK); Fryers & another v. Rowe & Others [2003] EWCA Civ 655, regarding the right of prisoners to obtain police interviews of allegedly abusive prison officers; and the application of the Human Rights Act to officials acting outside the United Kingdom, R (on the application of B and others) v Secretary of State for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office [2004] EWCA Civ 1344

Daniel founded Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights in 1988 and is actively pursuing potential legal remedies in the UK and EU for Palestinian victims of Israeli human rights abuses.

LL.M. in International Human Rights Law.
וזאת כתובתו של מי שרוצה לכתוב ליהודון
[email protected]
וזה האתר של המשרד שלו

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